Formulating our Action Agenda: Putting People Centered Land Governance in Asia
Every year, the ILC Asia Regional Land Forum is a unique opportunity to bring together many of the most prominent land-related organisations in the region, including grassroots organisations, activists, local and international NGOs, researchers, multilateral organisations and government agencies. Action-oriented, the Forum's programme is structured to provide opportunities to participants who may not otherwise interact in person, to debate, exchange, learn from each other's experiences and to build linkages.
This year, on September 5th, the Asian NGO Coalition for Agrarian Reform and Rural Development (ANGOC), the International Land Coalition (ILC), the GIZ, and the Philippine Development Forum-Working Group on Sustainable Rural Development Forum (PDF-SRD), in partnership with AFA, AR NOW!, CARRD, PAKISAMA, PAFID, TFM and XSF organized the event.