Land Reform for Justice and Peace in Asia
Every year, the International Land Coalition Asia (ILC Asia) organises the Asia Land Forum (ALF). This unique event brings together ILC members and other stakeholders ranging from grassroots organisations, activists, local and international NGOs and researchers, to multilateral organisations and government agencies from the region.
This year's Asia Land Forum aims at developing a common ground of the political, economic, environmental and social linkages between land governance, food security, poverty and democracy.
By convening all members and key partners of the network, the Forum creates opportunities for participants to learn from, and contribute to, land governance successes and challenges. The programme is action-oriented and structured to provide opportunities for participants to debate, exchange, learn from each other’s experiences and successes, strategise, and build linkages so that new perspectives can emerge.
The Forum is also an opportunity for ILC Asia’s 54 members to adopt a declaration with a common action plan during the Regional Assembly. This year, India is hosting the ALF in Rajasthan, a state situated on the western border of the country. ILC Asia members Maldhari Rural Action Group (MARAG) and Land Forum India are the focal points for this event. The ALF will be a key moment for India to show the realities and achievement of the land movement to the regional audience.
Conference Themes
- Future of the Rural: Youth and Women Land Rights in Asia
- Defending Land Rights Defenders in Asia
- Gender Justice on Land Issues
- LANDex: Principles and Practices
- Pastoralists and Land Rights
- Locally-Managed Ecosystem by Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities
Day 1: India for Asia, Rajasthan
The Chief Minister of the State of Rajasthan opens Asia Land Forum. ALF is an opportunity to raise some pertinent areas of land governance that India and other countries in the region are facing. Broadly, these relate to the comprehensive land reform agenda that includes first generational land reforms, land governance of forests, commons land, agrarian crisis, and women land rights among others. There will be plenary sessions with experts facilitating discussions on the challenges and policies to achieve people-centered land governance at the local, national and regional level.
Day 2: Plenary and Parallel Sessions, Rajasthan
Dedicated to land governance of civil society organisations in Asia, international governmental organisations and policy makers, the second day provides an extensive regional learning exchange for all.
Day 3: Regional Partnership Meeting and Regional Assembly, Rajasthan
The Regional Partnership Meeting is initiated to connect ILC Asia’s strategic partners in the region. The plenary is expected to share and learn from each other’s strategies in pursuing people centered land governance in Asia. The session will be followed by Regional Assembly. The Regional Assembly is the supreme governing body of ILC Asia. It provides an opportunity for members to discuss and agree on important governance issues, such as membership, and to establish overall strategies and policies.
Day 4: Field Visit, Rajasthan
Join us in our field visit and explore the work of ILC members in India! Our trips will take place after the conference to provide ILC members with an opportunity to learn about land, adivasis, pastoralists, and indigenous peoples in our host country.
Day 5: Jai Jagat 2020 Event, New Delhi
Jai Jagat 2020 is a global campaign initiated by Ekta Parishad for bringing change through nonviolence. Participants are invited to join the event and be a part of this exciting campaign.
Keynote speakers are invited to provide their perspective on the Forum’s theme, followed by engaging discussions between the speakers and participants from the floor.
The Asia Land Forum boosts rich discussions on diverse tenure systems and land governance with people at the center. On the basis of lived experiences of people around land reform and land-based livelihoods, a collective people’s land manifesto will be developed and presented to the Government of Rajasthan, the Government of India and will be raised at various global platforms.