Eleven (11) young people from ILC Asia membership are set to fly to Amman, Jordan, to participate in the Global Land Forum Youth (GLFY) 2022. The two-day event provides opportunities for young people to exchange ideas, strengthen a global network, and build together an agenda to address the main challenges they face in accessing land and protecting their territories around the world, with a special focus on Jordan.
The candidates will be part of a cohort of 100 young, motivated, and proactive individuals from across the globe wishing to build the ILC youth movement and find common ground between land rights and youth activism.
Why focus on youth land rights?
Rural youth are often excluded from institutions that provide access to financial services, denying them credit, savings, and insurance. Skill development opportunities, education, or resources such as land are scarcely accessible.
While there is the notion that the youth are typically averse to rural livelihoods and covet exciting opportunities in the urban areas, there is a significant youth population wishing to continue working and engaging in land-related activities in Asia. ILC Asia members believe that access to land for rural youth needs to be secured in order to alleviate poverty and unemployment. By giving meaningful participation to rural youth in decision-making roles, change can happen at the local and national levels.
At GLFY 2022, ILC is bringing together its youth movement to exchange ideas on the following umbrella issues:
- Youth building sustainable livelihoods and dignified life in rural areas
- Youth leading the way towards a more peaceful sustainable world
The event will feature a variety of activities like thematic debates, interactive sessions and training sessions. Participants in the GLFY will be able to attend the ILC Global Land Forum (GLF) 2022, a triennial event that brings together ILC members, partners and the broader land community to advance understanding of the complex linkages between land, food systems, poverty, inequality and democracy - and to plan joint actions towards people-centred land governance. The event dates are yet to be confirmed, but will most likely take place in May 2022.
Why Jordan?
Jordan boasts one of the youngest populations in the world, with those under 30 making up more than 70% of its population. Recognising the critical role young people have, the first-ever GLF Youth will be held back to back ILC’s flagship event, the Global Land Forum, and will bring together youth from Jordan and around the world to present their vision of the future to the GLF delegates and wider land community.
Meet our youth leaders
The following are the six participants from Asia selected at the Regional Preparatory Meeting in December 2021.
Melissa Alamo
PAKISAMA, Philippines
I’m really looking forward to meeting inspiring young development professionals, land rights activists, and learning from struggles and strategies in land rights. I’m hoping for us to have a collective voice and can come together to advocate ILC Youth Representative in ILC Council.
Ulukbek Abdykadyrov
KAFLU, Kyrgyzstan
I want to bring to GLFY the experience that I have as a young leader in my country, and I’m looking forward to making a connection with young leaders around the world to solve global problems.
Binod Gautam
CSRC, Nepal
I will contribute by sharing the roles of youths in Nepal for the tenure security of landless and informal settlers. In addition to this, I will also share my learning on how the importance of youth’s roles for the peaceful land and agrarian movement and policy reform.
Sotheara Pharn
CIPA, Cambodia
Alina Zhenishbekova
RDF, Kyrgyzstan
I would like to involve young people and women from the regions of Kyrgyzstan, on conservation of nature, ecosystems and natural areas.
The following are the 2021-22 cohort of ILC Future Leaders Fellowship, a year-long programme for young activists and change-makers who are making the difference within peoples’ organisations in the ILC network and in the land rights space. Together they will join the Global Land Forum Youth 2022 in Jordan to bring the voices of young activists into ILC governance and activities.
Mohsin Khan
Ekta Foundation Trust, India
My dream as a young leader is of a non-violent society. A society where young people have access, freedom, justice and land rights to lead a peaceful life. Bridging the gap between urban and rural India through youth participation and leadership.
Josua Situmorang
KPA, Indonesia
I dream of a change of land ownership and the equality of land rights for Indonesian people, especially for peasant or small-scale farmers, Indigenous Peoples, fisherfolks, and other vulnerable groups of people.
Krishna Khisa
Kapaeeng Foundation, Bangladesh
Ensuring the indigenous peoples customary land rights in Bangladesh is one of my desires as a youth leader working for land rights. I also hope our government will resolve land disputes in the Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) which were illegally occupied by the state and non-state actors.
Antariksh Venkataramanan
Swadhina, India
My dream is to create and support a global platform for sharing ideas and promoting the land rights advocacy and activism with various young leaders around the world.
Siti Marfu'ah
RMI, Indonesia
I dream of a more just and equitable food system, from farming communities to consumers. I think this is possible through urban-rural youth cooperation, both in villages and cities.
Rudolf Tiad
CARRD, Philippines
My dream is to be able to influence my fellow youth in participating with agrarian reform advocacy as well as leadership in farmers' cooperatives through capacitating them on basic agrarian reform policies and procedures and cooperative leadership. I’m motivated by my experiences growing up from a family of farmers.
Learn more about ILC Future Leaders Fellowship
Learn more about the Global Land Forum Youth 2022