Member since: 2021
Working towards these commitments
Diverse Tenure Systems
Equal land rights for women
Secure territorial rights for Indigenous Peoples
Locally-managed ecosystems
Inclusive decision-making
Transparent and accessible information
Effective actions against land grabbing
Protected land rights defenders
‘Monitoring of evictions cases, government laws and policies on land rights and housing, advocacy about land rights and housing rights and support to communities doing advocacy at the local level’.
1. Community voices influence policy makers, laws and policies on land and housing issues
2. Land laws and policies that are implemented according to human rights and justice.
3. The Rede ba Rai network has strengthened human resources, sufficient capacity and fund-ing and a broad base of members in order to achieve our vision.
4. Communities have raised awareness and ability to defend their access and rights to land
5. Communities affected by land cases have access to legal aid and mediation services.