Member since: 2003
Working towards these commitments
Secure Tenure Rights
Strong Small-Scale Farming Systems
Transparent and accessible information
Effective actions against land grabbing
Protected land rights defenders
The organisation's mission is to create a policy and social environment that enables Asian rural poor communities to exercise their rights to participatory development, gain access to and control of their natural resources, and engage in sustainable livelihoods, while drawing from Asia's rich spiritual and cultural traditions.
ANGOC envisions vibrant Asian rural communities living in harmony with nature, as stewards of the earth. Communities whose members are able to realize their full human potentials, to collectively chart their path to development, to provide for their present and future needs, and to equitably share the fruits of their labors in community celebrations of life.
The organisation's objectives include consolidating, promoting and mainstreaming alternative development experiences, agrarian reform, Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development (ARSARD), and strengthening Asian grassroots-action networks.
Its constituencies are member organizations of ANGOC and the organizations they work for/with.